Cover page of Applying Central Valley Joint Venture Population Objectives for Grasslands and At-Risk Riparian Birds - Final Report

Applying Central Valley Joint Venture Population Objectives for Grasslands and At-Risk Riparian Birds: River Partners Report

Given the dramatic loss of habitat in the Central Valley, many of the diverse avian species found here are now reduced to small populations or have been extirpated from the region. Ambitious conservation goals have been set by the Central Valley Joint Venture (CVJV) for birds of the Central Valley, including habitat protection and restoration, population targets, and breeding densities. The Project follows the CVJV 2020 Implementation Plan objective to apply the breeding density objectives for these birds to demonstrate that restoration activities are creating quality habitat.

The purpose of this Project is to evaluate restoration success on population measures of grassland and at-risk riparian bird focal species and as well as the restoration value of each site for the focal bird species. We selected 11 restoration sites of known age and performed point count surveys and vegetation surveys. In partnership with Point Blue Conservation Science, we compared population estimates to actual densities as calculated by point counts.

We present recommendations for habitat restoration that will maximize bird species densities at restored sites. Improving habitat for bird species has long been an intended co-benefit of River Partners’ work since 1998. Project outcomes will be incorporated into active planning of restoration projects in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys by River Partners.

Understanding the progress made towards the population objectives set by the CVJV 2020 Implementation Plan will facilitate science-based evaluation of restoration design and methods that can further improve projects, secure additional funding, and bring the CVJV closer to the ambitious conservation goals.